When you come to a crossroads in life, every decision may cost you. 20 multi-genre stories that will keep you entertained even after you finish the books.
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Exclusive to the Crossroads Boxset: Blind Hope.

Mr. Stop is only one of many.
In Blind Hope, you will be introduced to Mr. Yield.
Blind Luck
Mr. Yield popped in at a small roadside eatery in Missouri for a bowl of grits, three crispy strips of bacon and a cup of coffee. Already angry at the bullet hole in his leg courtesy of Mr. Stop, the last thing he wanted was trouble.
Trouble came calling with the start of an antique watch, a woman named Millicent and obsessive Sheriff. It was just his blind luck that all three were about to change his life.

The two men along with Mr. Mann are just the beginning of the story. Meet familiar characters, learn a few new ones with a couple of surprises along the way.
