Initially, when I set up my writing space, I was happy to have a desk and spot for me to create. As the years progressed and I found myself spending more time writing, I wanted the work space to evolve.
In designing my new office, I didn't make room for the vast amounts of marketing materials, books, promo items, birthday cards, and other items that come with my business.
It has barely been two years and I need to redesign my office to fit my writing life. I thought I share a few ideas with you.
Storage I never realized how much storage space I actually need in order for my office to not look as if I have lost my mind.

2. File cabinets and places for the 50 million ink pens I somehow seem to keep collecting. I also need room for my stamps, watercolor paints and more.

3. A spot to reflect. See that comfy chair? I have two in my office that are covered in stuff. Well, now just one that is covered in stuff because I felt guilty. I love the comfy chair idea since it give me a spot to re-read that novel to make my final edits.

4. Quirky Author Stuff like this chair? What in the world? I want it! I don't want that lamp though. Isn't that like the Pixar lamp that comes alive and starts hopping across the desk? #Nope

5. And Finally, a window would be cool.
